Call for Peers for the autumn/winter Peer Review
EUI – Capacity Building
The call for peers for the EUI peer reviews in autumn / winter 2023 waslaunched on 22 June and closed on 28 July at 12:00 CEST.
Applicants to this call are selected to act as peers to cities under review. As such, they will review and provide advice on the challenges faced by cities under review. More information on cities under review is available here.
EUI peer reviews are a set of pre-defined activities carried out by a cohort of cities to benchmark their Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) strategies. The aim is to improve the design and implementation of SUD strategies through a process of benchmarking, peer learning and provision of recommendations.
The activity brings together urban authorities undergoing review – they are the cities under review –, and urban authorities providing insights on the challenges faced by the cities under review – they are the peers. A peer review follows a specific fixed methodology and implementation process. The cities under review define the challenges to be addressed according to their specific needs, but the format and the timing of the activity is pre-defined by EUI. Applications for both cities under review and peers are submitted in dedicated separate calls launched at least once per year.
To achieve the capacity building objective of a peer review, peers are expected to share practical knowledge and know-how helping to improve the design and implementation of SUD strategies of the cities under review. While the cities under review are the primary beneficiaries, peers may also improve their capacities thanks to the peer learning process.
Financial support is provided to the local authority of the peers to reimburse the costs of participation of the peer. Under extremely specific circumstances, financial support might be granted directly to the peer if the local authority confirms that they are unable to advance the costs of participation.
Additional information on the set of activities carried out by the peers is available in the Guidance of the Call for Peers.
Peer Reviews
A peer review is required to focus on three specific challenges related to the design and implementation of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies within Cohesion Policy as defined in article 11 of the ERDF Regulation. Sustainable Urban Development Strategies are designed and implemented through a place-based, participatory and integrated approach.
Why participate as a peer?
Each peer city brings its own rich experience, knowledge and distinctive perspectives to what is always a collaborative multilateral exchange. Peer are not only ‘providers’ of knowledge but also benefit and learn from the exchange.
All peer cities will stand to gain:
- The prestige and profile of being a recognised front-runner on sustainable urban development;
- An inside track perspective of the urban peer learning process, from design to implementation, including the opportunity to experience at first-hand how other cities tackle the same thematic or implementation challenge, face specific problems that may affect them some day as well, and how to solve these;
- A unique opportunity to make a greater impact by exporting their solutions to other urban contexts and promoting these at the EU scale through the EUI network;
- Promotional opportunities for the most active and impactful peers;
- Benefit from the exchanges with different cities and from being part of the EUI network.
Additional information on the role of peers are available in the Guidance of the Call for Peers.
Eligible applicants are urban authorities involved in designing, updating or implementing a SUD strategy in line with Article 11 of the ERDF Regulation or in line with Article 7 of the past ERDF Regulation. Applicants are asked to provide information about their selection or their eligibility to be selected as an Article 11 city, if known.
Applicants must comply with the eligibility criteria. Applications will then be assessed according to quality criteria, as defined in the Guidance for the call for peers.
Applications are particularly encouraged from staff members that have participated in previous peer reviews.
More information on the eligibility and evaluation criteria are available in the Guidance.
Intervention logic of the peer review
Peers will carry out several activities within a peer review:
1. Before the Peer Review
Peers are expected to carefully read the background paper of their cities under review before the preparatory webinar and prepare any questions to share with the cities under review.
A preparatory webinar will be organised before the peer review session, during which cities under review and peers will meet for the first time and have a first discussion on the questions to be addressed.
After the webinar, peers are expected to reflect on what was shared by the cities under review and look for use cases, best practices or insights to share during the peer review event.
2. Peer Review event
Peer review events last two days and will be organised in three discussion rounds; one addressing each of the guiding questions of the cities under review. Each city under review will be reviewed in parallel in a separate breakout session.
Each discussion round will focus on one guiding question. The city under review will detail their question. Peers will be then asked to rethink the question (What is the problem behind the problem?). The new question will be discussed at the table, with peers providing policy advice based on their experiences, sharing lessons learnt and best practices with the city under review.
3. Follow-up activities
Peers will be invited to answer to follow-up surveys to assess their satisfaction and capacity building in the peer review process.
Interested peers will be encouraged to apply to additional EUI activities to continue their capacity building journey, either by applying to be a city under review, applying for a city-to-city exchange, or participating in a capacity building event.
Call timeline
The call for peers for the EUI peer reviews in autumn/winter 2023 will open on 22 June 2023. Applicants are invited to fill in the Application Form hosted on EU survey.
The call for peers for the EUI peer reviews in autumn/winter 2023 closed on 28 July 2023 at 12:00 CEST.
Successful applicants were notified indicatively early August.
A follow-up matchmaking survey was sent to the successful applicants to the call for peers, asking them to select up to four cities for which they would like to take on the role of peer based of the guiding questions of the cities under review. This survey is open from early august to early September.
Get support
The EUI Permanent Secretariat assists applicants during the call for Peers for the Thessaloniki peer review in June 2023. This support is provided via:
- Application Pack: Read the Guidance for Peers and courtesy Application Form.
- Applicant Webinars: View the recordings of the latest Applicant Webinar here.
- Bilateral consultations: The Permanent Secretariat offers a limited number of appointments for online consultations on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of one per application. Book your consultation here.
- Email support: Contact us with your queries via capacitybuilding@urban-initiative.eu.
Apply for the Call
The submission of the Application Form is 100% paperless and is done via EU Survey.
Applicants are strongly invited to create their Application Form early in the application process. Going through the different sections of the Application Form and reading the information bubbles in each field will help applicants to better structure and design their project proposals.
The deadline for the submission of the Application Form is 28 July 2023 at 12.00 CEST.