The next call for Peer Reviews is expected to launch in March 2025
Updated guidance will be published when the call launches. Interested applicants may consult the previous guidance as a reference.
A Peer Review is a capacity building activity offered by EUI to support European cities to improve the design and implementation of their Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) strategies, through a process of benchmarking and peer learning.
Each Peer Review involves one ‘City Under Review’ (primary beneficiary), working with individuals from up to six cities acting as ‘peer reviewers’ (secondary beneficiaries) to address challenges in developing, implementing or monitoring an effective SUD strategy.
The entire process is structured around ‘cities under review’ that identify the challenge that they wish to address. According to their specific needs, they are matched with ‘peer reviewers’ who can share their experiences, approaches and ideas in addressing the same challenge. ‘cities under review’ are equally accompanied through the entire process by two Peer Review experts.
The Peer Review activity is fully financed by EUI – for more details please see the Guidance.
Applicants to this call may apply to be a City under Review and / or a Peer Reviewer.
Everything you need to know about the Peer Review.
What is a Peer Review?
Each Peer Review follows a five-step implementation process. Selected participants will:
1.Confirm the scope of the Peer Review.
With the support of EUI, each selected city under review details the challenges they wish to address in the Peer Review in the form of three questions. Location and dates are defined by EUI.
2. Get matched with a city under review or peer reviewers.
EUI groups cities under review with peer reviewers according to relevant expertise and similarities in context. Each Peer Review ‘group’ is finalised.
3. Prepare for the Peer Review event
Participants prepare the core of the discussions for the event and attend three to two preparation meetings.
4. Participate in the two-day Peer Review event.
The activity culminates in the Peer Review event. Participants attend workshops, panel discussions, study visits and informal networking.
5. Follow-up on the outcomes of the event.
Cities under review and peer reviewers receive a report on the main recommendations from the Peer Review event and on how to integrate them. Based on the recommendations received, the city under review is invited to apply to a City-to-City Exchange. Six months after the event, all participants are invited to an online discussion for an update on the city under review’s strategy. Another follow-up activity is organised 1 year after the event.
What are the topics addressed?
An EUI Peer Review is required to focus on specific challenges related to the design and implementation of SUD strategies. Each city under review is tasked with identifying the challenge they want to tackle and formulating it into three ‘guiding questions’ to be addressed in turn.
The challenges tackled should align with the key elements of integrated approaches to sustainable urban development identified under EU Cohesion Policy – as outlined briefly in the ERDF Common Provisions Regulation[1].
The JRC’s Handbook for Sustainable Urban Development Strategies[2] is a key reference material for cities to identify relevant topics that need to be addressed.
Still not sure what a Peer Review actually is? Check our past Peer Reviews in Thessaloniki, Coimbra, Kalisz , Jiu Valley, Jesolo and San Donà di Piave and Torrelavega.
Why participate as a peer?
What’s in it for cities under review?
At the heart of the EUI Peer Review activity are the cities under review. Cities under review benefit from:
- A structured self-assessment process to help identify specific needs in developing, implementing or monitoring their SUD strategy.
- Specific, tailored feedback, reflections, and inspiration from their peers to directly address a challenge they are facing related to their SUD strategy.
- Constant expert support, guidance and advice from the team of approved EUI experts and the EUI Secretariat.
Check the testimonies from past cities under review.
What’s in it for peer reviewers?
While the primary focus of each peer review activity is the city under review, peer reviewers – and the cities they represent – also benefit in multiple ways:
- Peer reviewers learn from, as well as inspire, the city under review – the learning always goes two ways.
- There are also opportunities to learn from the other peer reviewers taking part, hearing about a range of inspiring practices and approaches from cities across Europe.
- Through the process of sharing their own approaches and practices, peer reviewers are encouraged to critically reflect on their own successes and remaining challenges.
- Finally, to recognise their valuable contribution, involvement and availability, certificates are awarded by EUI to each individual Peer Reviewer after the event, acknowledging the specific challenges they helped tackle in the framework of each Peer Review.
Check the testimonies from past peer reviewers.
Eligible authorities
Cities under review
The primary beneficiary of a Peer Review must be a city or a functional urban area eligible to receive ERDF support for the development and implementation of its sustainable urban development (SUD) strategy under Article 11 of the ERDF Regulation – known as ‘Article 11 cities’.
This is because – as an instrument of EU Cohesion Policy – EUI prioritises the achievement of EU Cohesion Policy objectives and maximising the impact of EU funding support.
Note: It is the relevant ERDF Managing Authority – at national or regional level – in each country that defines its Article 11 cities. Check out the current list of Article 11 cities for the period 2021-2027.
Peer reviewers
Peer reviewers apply as individuals to take part in a peer review process. Peer reviewers can represent any EU urban authority but must have relevant experience in the design and implementation of integrated, place-based strategies.
More questions on the eligibility? Please check the FAQ.
Find out whether you are eligible.
Call timeline
While the call is open, potential applicants can book bilateral online consultations with the EUI Secretariat to get more information and advice about the call.
Registration is open. More information
The fifth call for Peer Reviews is expected to close in May 2025.
All applicants (whether approved or rejected) are expected to be notified by the start of June, subject to the number of applications received.
Confirmation of date and location (hosts) for peer review events and start of content preparation for Cities Under Review.
Confirmation of the composition of all Peer Review groups (City Under Review + Peer Reviewers) based on completion of the matchmaking exercise and the agreement of participants.
Organisation of the Peer Review events.
Get support
The EUI Permanent Secretariat supports applicants. This support is provided via:
- Application Pack: New guidance will be published end of March 2025. For information only, you may consult the old Guidance for Peer Reviews, the Courtesy Application Form and the Technical guidance to EEP (the application system) from the last call.
- Article 11 status: check your eligibility to apply as a city under review here. If you can’t find your city in the table, but you are an Article 11 city, you will need to provide proof of this status with your application.
- Online info session on 27 March, 10:30-12:00 CET: an online information session will allow participants to learn all about Peer Reviews and the call for applications. This online event is expected to be organised in collaboration with our network of Urban Contact Points and will provide information in the different EU languages.
- Bilateral consultations: if you have a specific question, book a consultation with a Capacity Building Officer.
- Email support: Contact us with your queries via capacitybuilding@urban-initiative.eu.
Call is opening soon
The submission of the Application Form is 100% paperless via the EUI Connect Platform. A courtesy document is provided to facilitate the preparation of your application offline.
We strongly invite you to create your application form early in the process. Going through its different sections and reading the information bubbles in each field will help you to submit a better application.
The below Application Pack is from the previous call for Peer Reviews that closed in November 2024. The documents are provided below for information purposes only. An updated Application Pack will be provided end of March when the new call launches.
[1] Article 29 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 laying down common provisions for the ERDF [and other ESIF funds], outlines the elements that must be covered by any territorial strategy supported with EU Funds.
[2] The Handbook for Sustainable Urban Development Strategies produced by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission was based on a mixed-methods analysis of 964 SUD strategies implemented across 28 EU countries during the 2014-2020 programming period. Quantitative data was collected using STRAT-Board, which is both a database and an online mapping tool.