Cover photo_rocktheblock_egaleo


Rock the Block - Integrated Participatory Roadmaps for Affordable Co-Living



Egaleo is a suburban municipality in Western Athens characterised by traditional Athenian polykatoikias (mixed-use, multi-residence blocks). It benefits from a vibrant community, but also relatively persistent social deprivation.


Urban authorities

The partnership is well balanced, including actors of the Quadruple Helix. All partners take part in different collaboration schemes to deliver different outputs, while the Municipality of Egaleo has the lead role in project management, public tenders, institutional interventions and the transfer of project results. 

Main urban authority

Municipality of Egaleo (MoE)


Transfer partners

Transfer Partners are urban authorities that join the EUI-Innovative Action project to observe and learn. Their primary aim is to enhance the adaptability of the project's solutions to different urban contexts within the EU. These partners play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge exchange among EU cities and fostering innovation. They come from different EU member states than the project Main Urban Authority and participate during the project's implementation phase. Each project generally involves three Transfer Partners. The involvement of Transfer Partners is vital for ensuring the project's innovative solutions are effectively adaptable and replicable in various contexts across the EU.

Transfer Partners are being identified, details will be available by the end of the first quarter of 2024.

Budapest Capital District VIII. Józsefváros Municipality


The Municipality of Naples


City of Paris


Delivery partners

A Delivery Partner is an organization selected for its expertise and experience to help design and implement specific parts of a project. Their role is to carry out certain tasks, create outputs, and manage a part of the project's budget. They are essential for bringing in knowledge and skills that enhance the project's overall value.

  • Symbolo GP
  • National Centre of Scientific Research (NCSR) "Demokritos"
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Regional Development Institute – Panteion University (RDI)
  • Urbana
  • InCommON (Innovative Communities Onwards)
  • Organization Earth
  • Ohi Pezoume Performing Arts NPO (OP)
  • AREA (Architecture Research Athens)