Cover photo Watsups Mechelen


WATSUPS - Water As The Source of Urban Public Space



In the heart of Flanders, Mechelen’s city centre is crossed by a green-blue axis: the river Dyle. As the population grows, developments have improved the river area for residents and tourists, but pressures on the dense urban space continue to rise. 


Urban authorities

The City of Mechelen is responsible for project management and the design and reconstruction of the public domain alongside the river Dyle. Greening and climate adaptation are part of the integrated approach. The city manages the use of urban natural swimming areas. All participation trajectories involving citizens and stakeholders are led by the city, supported by external experts, artists and knowledge institutions. The city will also coordinate the project’s transfer activities.

Main urban authority

City of Mechelen


Transfer partners

Transfer Partners are urban authorities that join the EUI-Innovative Action project to observe and learn. Their primary aim is to enhance the adaptability of the project's solutions to different urban contexts within the EU. These partners play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge exchange among EU cities and fostering innovation. They come from different EU member states than the project Main Urban Authority and participate during the project's implementation phase. Each project generally involves three Transfer Partners. The involvement of Transfer Partners is vital for ensuring the project's innovative solutions are effectively adaptable and replicable in various contexts across the EU.

Transfer Partners are being identified, details will be available by the end of the first quarter of 2024.

City of Catania


Municipality of Leeuwarden


Kristianstad Municipality


Delivery partners

A Delivery Partner is an organization selected for its expertise and experience to help design and implement specific parts of a project. Their role is to carry out certain tasks, create outputs, and manage a part of the project's budget. They are essential for bringing in knowledge and skills that enhance the project's overall value.

  • Flemish Waterways
  • Thomas More University of Applied Sciences
  • Flemish Environmental Society
  • Mechelen Cultural Events ngo