konkurss 3

Innovative Actions online webinars

Watch our online webinars to learn more about the development of a good project proposal. These videos were developed as part of our applicant support activities in the framework of Call 2, but are still relevant for Call 3.

Prepare your EUI-IA project

The video below explains what are the expectations of a good EUI project, and gives indications how to best prepare your project.

A Good EUI Project

Draft a good project proposal

The videos explain the different section of the project Application Form and give practical advice on:

  • How to design your project intervention logic.
  • How to define relevant project activities. 
  • How to set up a clear and realistic time plan.
  • How to fill in Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Communication & Capitalisation and Transfer Work Packages

Strategic Description - EUI Innovative Actions

Application Form design and intervention logic - EUI Innovative Actions

Horizontal Work Packages and Transfer component - EUI Innovative Actions

Set up a sound project budget

The videos explain the financial elements of a project proposal and give practical advice on:

  • Which costs can be budgeted.
  • Which rules apply to project investments.
  • How to build your project budget.
  • How to use Simplified Cost Options.

Eligibility of project expenses - EUI Innovative Actions

Building your project budget - EUI Innovative Actions

Deep dive into specific topics

These videos give you a deep dive into specific areas of project development.

  • How to design a good Work Plan.
  • What is the structure of the Application Form and tips and advice to fill it in.
  • What is the transfer component and what are the expectations at application stage?

Designing your work plan - EUI Innovative Actions

Application form - EUI Innovative Actions

The transfer component - EUI Innovative Actions