1st EUI Innovative Actions Call for Proposals – 99 applications received
For our 1st Innovative Actions Call, we are delighted to have successfully received a high number of applications, representing 21 EU Member States. Most proposals and interested urban authorities are from Spain, with the highest number of applications received followed by Italy, France and Portugal.

In total 125 Urban Authorities applied for the 1st Innovative Actions Call, out of which small and medium size cities (less than 250,000 inhabitants) account for 76% of cities who applied. All cities with under 50k inhabitants (24%) applied as Associated Urban Authorities being part of proposals led by Main Urban Authorities.
Regarding the thematic focus of received applications, projects present variety of approaches. Some are predominantly focused on one area of intervention while other draw from different prompts (or go beyond them), integrating several aspects of the New European Bauhaus. Trying to classify received applications across four suggested Call prompts, the biggest interest applicants showed regarding regenerating urban spaces – almost 40% of received applications are linked to this thematic field. Almost 30% of applications is linked to preserving and transforming cultural heritage, a bit over 20% to construction and renovation in a spirit of circularity and carbon neutrality, several to adapting and transforming buildings for affordable housing solutions and several propose interventions integrating all these fields or referring to other aspects of the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Applicants mobilised a total of 479 Delivery Partners (on average 5 Delivery Partners per proposal). Average ERDF requested was EUR 4,4 Million (with maximum ERDF requested on the maximum allowed level – EUR 5 Million and minimum ERDF requested – EUR 1,1 Million).
Currently EUI Permanent Secretariat is conducting eligibility check of received applications and the announcement of selected applications is planned for June 2023.