Introduction of CALICO to Fuenlabrada’s representatives
03 December 2024

Exploring Collaborative Housing: SHARE learns from CALICO experience

by Sustainable Housing Accommodation for a Regenerative Exchange Discover the project
The Fuenlabrada city council is involved in a URBACT Innovative Transfer Network with the city of Brussels (as coordinator of the CALICO project) and 5 other cities in Europe.

The "Cities 4-co-housing" network will run from September 2024 to August 2026. During this period we will explore the CALICO project and its transferability to SHARE.

From the 27th to 29th of November, Fuenlabrada hosted a bilateral meeting between two representatives of the Housing Department of the City of Brussels, two representatives of CLTB (Community Land Trust) and Orna Rosenfeld, as the URBACT expert.

During these two fruitful days, we had the opportunity to learn more about the CALICO process for involving people and managing community activities, which are key factors for SHARE.

We also need to design other aspects on which learning from CALICO can help us with, such as the contract model with residents, the selection process, the financial maintenance of the building, or how to train older and younger people to use and maintain passive houses.

We are really looking forward to learning more about this amazing project to keep up with the possibility of improving our SHARE project.

Exploring Collaborative Housing:

Explaing Fuenlabrada's housing policy
Explaing CALICO to Urban Local Gruop
Explaing SHARE to cities 4 co-housing team