Tampere CB training
01 July 2024

Insights for Innocities: EUI Capacity Building helps Finnish cities connect innovation with sustainability.

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Sally Kneeshaw

At the end of May over 90 city representatives from 11 EU countries came together in Tampere to learn, share knowledge and network on the topic of innovation and sustainability.

The event was organised by the European Urban Initiative (EUI) Capacity Building team, and hosted by the Innocities network.  Innocities brings together Article 11 cities responsible for implementing Sustainable Urban Development in Finland for the 2021-2027 programming period.

The objective was to explore different EU-wide perspectives on leveraging innovation systems as a tool for Sustainable Urban Development, as well as building collaboration between EU regions and cities.

The participants came principally from Finnish municipalities, but also other local stakeholders, such as Universities, business support agencies and regional bodies. Representatives from 11 other EU cities and regions with specific expertise in innovation were invited to share their good practices. The programme included a series of workshops, study visits and marketplace sessions, as well as structured networking opportunities.

Key takeaways included:

  • Innovation, economic and regional policies are intrinsically intertwined.
  • In urban development one size doesn’t fit all. It’s important to identify regional settings, actors and choose tailored strategies to harness strengths.
  • There’s a lot of untapped potential in EU funding. Finland can and will do better using different instruments!
  • Structured exchange between EU cities is always fruitful, to think what ideas can be transferred, where there is opportunity to try new approaches.

The Innocities participants commented on the inspiration and ideas emerging from exchange with peers across Europe, as well as the replicability of the tools and methodologies shared.

Pitches from EU funders and a marketplace to facilitate bilateral exchange with European counterparts means that Finnish cities are now better empowered to submit bids.

“I got deeper into insights into financial processes within cities, what steps have to be taken within an overall process. Also networking with colleagues from the rest of the European Union and to be able to benchmark cases to support what we're doing.”

Fulvio Rizzo, Project Manager, City of Vantaa

Dialogue on digital and climate innovation looked at potential actions across different sectors such as tech, digital, logistics, agriculture, energy, food. Discussions explored the city's role in leading, convening, encouraging, regulating, and how this varies depending on factors such as city size, history, economic profile and interconnections with other agencies at regional level.

“I found it inspiring the ideas of vision and leadership of ecosystems. I was especially impressed by the case of Fundao in Portugal with its very human capital approach, tailored solutions and a systematic approach. “

Suvi Aho, Project Manager, City of Vaasa

Cities identified the kind of skills and resources needed to bring actors together, to drive action in line with our climate goals. Teppo Rantanen, Executive Director of the host City of Tampere called on participants to create an environment where municipal staff are stretched and encouraged to be bold.

The final word is from Riina Niemi, Business Development Manager, Innocities, who initiated the together with EUI.

“We come from various contexts but share the same ambition: We all strive for citizen-friendly, sustainable cities that are also excellent operating environments for companies. And that can be done in so many ways. It was inspiring for the Finnish Innocities network to share and hear what works and what doesn’t, gain new perspectives, and establish connections with our European peers. EUI did a fantastic job in bringing together the right cities and individuals from across the continent!”

With thanks/credit to Innocities and Monna Salmi.

All photos @Matias Ahonen