OPEN NOW: European Urban Initiative – Innovative Actions Call for proposals
This present Call builds on core principles of the emblematic New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative.
The NEB is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative in the making; connecting the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences, in aims of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050. The EUI call will translate the NEB core values and deliver tangible, real-life examples.
Projects interested in applying should embody the values of sustainability, inclusiveness and aesthetics to the very maximum extent of ambition.
From Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion Policy and Reforms, "The contribution from EU cities to the European Green Deal will be essential to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Urban authorities are also the best placed to translate the ambitions shared by Cohesion policy and the New European Bauhaus of creating beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places for all in Europe, into realities on the ground. I call on EU cities’ vision and creativity to make the most from the funding opportunity that the European Urban Initiative offers today, and to show us the way on how the green transformation should happen to the benefit of all."
While the Call is not prescriptive, we invite cities to present project ideas on four associated themes most relevant to mobilise Cohesion policy at wider scale:
- circular economy and carbon neutrality
- preservation of cultural heritage
- adaptation of buildings for affordable housing solutions
- regeneration of urban spaces
From the President of the Region Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, “the launch of the first call of the European Urban initiative is an important moment for all European cities. We hope that the innovative projects we will support inspire other cities and help us to find new and sustainable solutions and a greener future. As entrusted entity of the initiative, our Region will do its best with the permanent secretariat to inform and accompany the European cities in this challenge.
Check out the Press Release published by the European Commission, "New European Bauhaus under Cohesion Policy: €50 million call for innovative projects in cities"
What kind of projects are we looking for?
1. Innovative
Innovative Actions support pilot projects that have never been tested anywhere else in Europe. This is an evolutionary approach where the innovation lies in the new elements added to the existing idea, or as a revolutionary approach with completely new solutions never tested before in the policy field concerned in the EU.
2. Participative
Participation and co-creation with Partners, relevant stakeholders, and target groups, are key for the development and implementation of genuinely innovative and experimental projects.
3. Measurable
A robust methodology is necessary to measure expected impacts, as well as clear and quantified results to capture the expected change in the local situation resulting from the project.
4. Transferable and scalable
Based on lessons drawn from the project and shared to a wider audience of policy makers and practitioners, the Innovative actions have the potential of being scaled and transferred to other urban areas across Europe.
5. Of good quality
Proposals must prove to be justified, realistic, consistent, and coherent. They should also be ready to be managed effectively, implemented swiftly, and demonstrate value for money.
What kind of support are we offering?
Funding: Each project can receive up EUR 5 million. Part of this allocation will support the transfer of these innovative solutions to other cities in Europe to have an even bigger societal impact!
Knowledge and Capacity Building: we provide a knowledge environment for cities to ensure easier access to knowledge and share the know-how on sustainable urban development! We are interested in strengthening your capacities in designing such strategies in an integrated and participative way.
--> More info can be found on this Innovative Actions page.
How can you apply?
Cities, we encourage you to be bold, innovative and risky to tackle your urban challenges. We welcome you to test your solution, share the results of your projects and inspire other cities across Europe to turn ambitions into pilot projects that can be tested in real urban settings.
You can start submitting your applications from now until January 19th, 2023.
How to prepare for the call?
A wide range of support is available to help you prepare and submit a proposal to the Innovative Action Call. Access your online guidance!
Check out the online guidance (link to guidance main page) and the different events organised to provide support to applicants (link to first call page)
Find all the info and Apply for the Call
Find out everything about the 1st Call through (in-person!) applicant seminars, online Q&A sessions and even one to one consultations! More info and registration here