person expressing her view
11 June 2024

Urban Agenda for the EU - open public consultation

The Urban Agenda for the EU Thematic Partnerships on Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism have launched a Public Consultation with the aim of collecting feedback on their draft Action Plans. Both Partnerships submitted their draft Action Plans in April this year and the feedback collected will be taken into consideration for the finalisation of the Action Plan foreseen for autumn.

We seek input from a wide range of stakeholders including national, regional, and local urban authorities, institutions, private entities, projects and /programs, and civil society organisations, to further enhance these Actions. The consultation welcomes feedback on the overall goals and objectives of the Action Plan, as well as on the specific details related to each Action.  
Your insights on how to increase the feasibility and amplifying the impact of these Actions are invaluable. We encourage you to contribute your ideas, suggest improvements, identify potential challenges, and share strategies for effective implementation. By participating, you help ensure the Action Plan is comprehensive and addresses the diverse needs of urban areas. 
Below you can read about the aim of each Action Plan: 

Sustainable Tourism Thematic Partnership

The proposed set of Actions aims to transform the tourism landscape, making it more resilient, inclusive, and environmentally conscious. Developed through extensive collaboration among the members of the Thematic Partnership on Sustainable Tourism, within the Urban Agenda for EU, the Action Plan outlines six Actions designed to address the key challenges faced in the framework of urban tourism today. See the Sustainable Tourism Partnership page for more information about the Public Consultation.

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Greening Cities Thematic Partnership

The Action Plan proposes five key Actions aimed at increasing green infrastructure in EU cities and regions. They address critical challenges such as the need for evidence-based planning tools, effective implementation strategies, robust legislative support, adequate funding, and innovative financial instruments. Developed by the members of the Greening Cities Partnership, the Action Plan supports the implementation of the EU policy agenda on urban greening at the
local level. It aims to increase urban biodiversity, adapt to climate change, and improve citizens' wellbeing. See the Greening Cities Partnership page for more information about the Public Consultation.

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To learn more about the Urban Agenda for the EU in general, have a look at the website