Call for experts: Ex-Ante Assessment of the Cities of Equality Thematic area – Urban Agenda for the EU


Within the framework of the support provided to the Urban Agenda for the EU, the European Urban Initiative (EUI) Permanent Secretariat (PS) is looking for an expert to deliver the Ex-Ante Assessment (EEA) on the Cities of equality thematic area that includes:

  • Production of the EAA
  • Coordination of its process with other stakeholders involved
  • Drafting of the interim report and the final Ex-ante assessment report
  • Support in the call for selection of partners

The Terms of Reference is available in the documents section of this page.

Your tender must contain at least the following elements (dated and signed):

  • A methodological note, which has been dated and signed, including the following: 1) Brief methodology for fulfilling the specifications (terms of reference enclosed), 2) A provisional planning, 3) Information about the expert, 4) presentation about the knowledge and experience in the domain.
  • A global and detailed price offer, including the breakdown of the total number of days (i) and the number of days allocated per main tasks (ii)

The criteria that shall be used to assess your bid are:

  • Price - 30%
  • Technical Value of the offer - 70%
    • Methodological approach (40%)
    • Knowledge and experience in the domain (20%)
    • Provisional planning and any other evidence proving ability to meet expected schedule (10%)

Please would you send us your offer, by return, before Friday 16th December 2022 at noon by email at the following addresses: ,, and

Please contact , should you need more precisions.