The exchange between the cities of Tampere and Cascais on climate change adaptation
One thematic scope: climate adaptation - but also several operational scopes (monitoring and evaluation, citizen and stakehonder engagement, increasing urban green spaces to alleviate the effects of climate change) have been identified by the city of Tampere. When objectives and measures are co-created, the actors involved are more committed to their implementation, and this was the focus of the city-to-city exchange. A three-step plan has been proposed: understanding the needs and opinions of citizens (citizen engagement), ensuring the safety and well-being of citizens when facing the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and changing conditions as average temperatures rise (urban climate adaptation) and making sure the measures are leading the city in the right direction (monitoring the impact). For this, the peer city Cascais, experienecd in nature-based solution, climate financing, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, and circular economy for low carbon emissions, was the perfect match.