16 cities come together in Cyprus for Peer Review #5
The three cities under review, which will have their Sustainable Urban Development strategies designed or reviewed during our Peer Review #5, are Athienou (Cyprus), Borgomanero (Italy), and Varaždin (Croatia). As always, the review will be led by peer reviewers, i.e., urban practitioners from across Europe, who will share expertise and help our cities under review improve their strategies and learn from their best practices.
Our team of experts will facilitate learning and sharing and will make sure that both cities under review and peer reviewers have a rich and interesting exchange throughout the plenary sessions, break-out room workshops focusing on specific challenges, as well as the engaging site visits.
Some of the challenges that the three cities will work on are:
- Set clear objectives that address the area's development needs and potential;
- Identify key stakeholders and engage them efficiently in the policy cycle;
- Connect results of each particular project within strategic pillar in order to achieve common outputs that lead to visible urban change;
- Identify and combine multiple funding sources effectively and connect them to concrete projects.
You can find the agenda of the Peer Review here.
Find the photos of the event here : flickr.