EUI Peer Review 6 - Italy
After Greece, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Cyprus, our final Peer Review of the season went to Italy for a session focusing on Basso Piave Urbano (IT), Vukovar (HR) and Plzeň (CZ) and brought together participants from 9 European countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Czechia, Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria). These urban practitioners were accompanied by our team of experts who supported learning and knowledge exchange, ensuring that both the cities under review and the peer reviewers engage in a meaningful and dynamic dialogue during the two-day event.
The main challenges that the three cities under review put forward are related to, for example:
- Monitoring and evaluation systems
- Internal cooperation
- Stakeholder and particularly citizen involvement
- Attracting private and third-sector funding and enhancing financial coordination
This is the last of the Peer Reviews selected during the Spring 2024 call.
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You cand find some of the photographs taken during the event on our Flickr page.