EU Regions week side event
09 - 09 October 2024
9:00am 2:00pm CET

How City-Region Cooperation Crafts Sustainable Innovative Ecosystems: a Capacity Building workshop

On 09th of October 2024, join us to a Capacity Building workshop and plant the seeds for City-Region Cooperation in your territory!

Cities and regions both play a major role in the sustainable and resilient development of the European Union. They are leading on the climate and digital transition, as in the fight against social inequalities.

However, cooperation between the different levels of governance and across local authorities is not easy. Many territories within the same region face different challenges, with different goals and even sometimes competing strategic visions. Yet, neither climate change, nor socioeconomic decline are bound to administrative boundaries. Achieving the sustainable transition of their territory requires solving borderless threats and super wicked problems. One of the first steps is to align goals across territories, local authorities and ecosystems.

During the 22nd edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the European Urban Initiative is joining forces with the Hauts-de-France Region, Lille European Metropolis and Amiens Métropole to deliver an interactive workshop on how cities and regions can work together to leverage their innovation ecosystems and multiply impacts for sustainability at local level. This is a side event to the #EURegionsWeek which takes place on 7-10 October 2024.

What's on the agenda?

Hear from our very special guest on how they managed to create and foster a multi-level governance model delivering high-impacts for their whole region.

Keep an eye out: our speaker will be announced very soon!

Build your capacities through collective exercises on:

  • How to align goals between cities and region, towards a shared vision for the sustainable transition of their territory?
  • How to foster and leverage innovation ecosystems to deliver this shared vision and multiply impacts across the territory?

Network with cities and regions from all over Europe who share your appetite for collaboration and sustainability.

Don't miss this opportunity to join the conversation about City-Region collaboration!

Who’s invited?

The workshop is open to the staff of European regional and urban authorities working on innovation and sustainable urban development strategies.

Urban and regional authorities located within the same territory are particularly encouraged to come together. The workshop will be a unique opportunity to reflect and/or start a conversation about their own cooperation and governance model.

Registration is open until 18th of September. Don’t wait up: places are limited!

Any questions?

Feel free to contact the European Urban Initiative at

09 October 2024
9:00am 2:00pm CET
How City-Region Cooperation Crafts Sustainable Innovative Ecosystems: a Capacity Building workshop