AQUAGREEN - Acquiring Urban Resilience Against Floods and Droughts: a novel citizen-powered integrated Green and Blue System.
AQUAGREEN is focused on piloting solutions for making urban areas more resilient to extreme weather events based in the municipality of Faenza in Emilia-Romagna, which suffered devastating floods in May 2023. Its central innovation is a Lultifunctional Resilience Park ‘Living Lab’ to test different blue-green solutions integrated in an innovative, digital, and high-performing combination. This is complemented by a spatial decision support system that considers data in real-time and an innovative early warning system. The actions include constant citizen involvement through processes of creative co-design.
Our main challenges...
Mitigating the significant impact and increasing risks of flood events in the city of Faenza.
Mitigating also the impact of drought events in this southern European location.
Ensuring that local populations are able to respond effectively and in time to extreme weather events, in order to limit damage to people and their property, as well as to the territory in general.
and proposed solutions
A pilot Multifunctional Resilience Park to act as a ‘Living Lab’, where different blue-green solutions are tested in integrated ways, including de-paving, innovative drainage, accumulation paving, green roofs and rainwater storage.
A spatial decision support system that considers data in real-time in order to facilitate urban planning, decision-making and risk identification, fed by newly installed sensors and the ongoing monitoring of the MRPLL.
An innovative early warning system to better enable public authorities to alert the whole population on time of potential flood risks and connected with civil protection services.
Key figures
Design of methodology to involve citizens in co-creation of green and blue solutions.
Development of an innovative system for alerting citizens about extreme weather events.
MRPLL equipped with green & blue solutions against extreme weather events.
SDSS supporting policy makers and urban/territorial planners.