Cover photo Turku


Urban Biodiversity Parks - Urban Biodiversity Parks as co-creative platforms for enhancing biodiversity, learning and community involvement in urban ecological regeneration

EUI Call for Proposals in support to the New European Bauhaus demonstrators


Urban Biodiversity Parks is developing and piloting the concept of urban biodiversity parks as a tool for urban ecological restoration and regeneration. The aim is to create a 20-hectare biodiversity park, providing a recreational area – while also serving as a platform for community engagement and experiential learning. This helps citizens, NGOs, private actors, educational institutions and others get involved in developing and testing ways to preserve and actively enhance biodiversity in urban environments. The concept is being trialled in Turku’s Skanssi area, with more, smaller pilots planned in other suburban neighbourhoods.

Our main challenges...

  • There is an urgent need to find new ways for active enhancement and regeneration of biodiversity in lost or degraded urban habitats – in addition to traditional nature conservation measures. 

  • Dialogue and cooperation are lacking between urban authorities, experts, researchers and private actors. This hinders joint work to integrate biodiversity protection in the construction and maintenance of urban infrastructure.

  • Awareness should be increased in all levels of society to gain public and political support for biodiversity and its protection. 

and proposed solutions

  • Establishment of a full-scale biodiversity park of about 20 ha in the Turku city district of Skanssi. The park will enhance biodiversity in various habitats and protect local and endangered species.  

  • Implementing small-scale biodiversity pilots in selected suburban neighbourhoods. This enables participants to co-learn how urban restoration solutions can be integrated in suburban planning, development and regeneration.  

  • Engaging the local community in planning and implementing biodiversity pilots and recreational elements, such as green spaces for residents and visitors to enjoy. 

Key figures

hectares make up the new Skanssi Biodiversity Park
small-scale biodiversity pilots to be implemented in selected suburban neighbourhoods across Turku
200 000
inhabitants will be able to use the biodiversity park as a recreational area
bodies are developing and piloting the concept together: 8 partners and 3 Transfer cities
pilot scheme to test the biodiversity-friendly greenspace design of a housing property


Bioblizt event in Skanssi Biodiversity Park area
Aug 2024
Joint planning and co-creation with local communities
Oct 2025
Pilots in suburban neighbourhoods
Sep 2026
Development of Skanssi Biodiversity Park completed
Oct 2026
Capacity building activities for private companies
Feb 2027
1. Bioblizt event in Skanssi Biodiversity Park area
01 Aug 2024

Researchers and other interested people meet up to collect baseline data on local species 

2. Joint planning and co-creation with local communities
01 Oct 2025

Suburban biodiversity pilots created by cooperating closely with local communities

3. Pilots in suburban neighbourhoods
01 Sep 2026

Four diverse biodiversity pilots developed in selected suburban neighbourhoods

4. Development of Skanssi Biodiversity Park completed
31 Oct 2026

Turku’s first biodiversity park is established in the area of Skanssi

5. Capacity building activities for private companies
01 Feb 2027

Training sessions focus on solutions to increase urban biodiversity