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12 - 13 November 2024
9:45am 3:00pm WET

Building the Future: Integrating NEB values and principles in Heritage Regeneration under THRIVE - an EUI Capacity Building Event in Ireland

By EUI Team

Are you an Irish local authority eligible for funding under the THRIVE Scheme? Join the European Urban Initiative Capacity Building team in Limerick, Ireland, for a training session on how to better integrate the New European Bauhaus into projects and urban strategies from the early stages of development.

Funded by the ERDF during the 2021-2024 programming period, Irish Regional Assemblies launched the Town Centre First Heritage Revival Scheme – THRIVE. The programme aims to financially support Irish local authorities in renovating derelict heritage buildings in their town centres. Through THRIVE, Irish cities can receive funding for the design and implementation of regeneration projects, provided they incorporate the values of the New European Bauhaus: aesthetics, sustainability, and participation.

This event, hosted by the European Urban Initiative, will provide training to urban practitioners from 31 Irish municipalities on how to ensure that local development strategies and projects funded under the THRIVE scheme integrate the core values and principles of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) in their design, implementation, and outcomes.

Participants in this capacity-building event will have the unique opportunity to:

  • Gain a better understanding of the added value that NEB principles can bring to projects
  • Learn how to apply NEB values in the design and implementation of local strategies and projects
  • Take part in hands-on exercises to familiarise themselves with openly accessible tools (NEB Compass, NEB Toolkit, NEB Dashboard) that can support urban practitioners in designing and implementing NEB projects
  • Network and connect with experts and representatives from European cities who will share their experience and knowledge on embedding NEB values into local strategies and projects

This capacity-building training event is organised in coordination with Irish Regional Assemblies and the European Commission and is open to representatives of local authorities invited by their respective regions.

Register now! You can submit your registration until the 25th October 2024. 

What is on the agenda?

Learn how to use NEB Tools to design and implement your projects:

  • Directly using the NEB Compass, the NEB Dashboard and new tools developed by the European Commission. 
  • Analysing projects through the lenses of the NEB Toolbox 

Take part to two interactive workshops featuring cities across Ireland and Europe.

Take a Deep Dive on:

  • What is the added value of the NEB in the design and implementation of projects?
  • What are the main challenges municipalities find on the way? and How to find the right solutions? 

Attend panel sessions engaging representatives from European Institutions, Regional Assemblies and other European Cities.

Beyond the workshops and Deep Dives, attend one study visit to discover Limerick's stories in cultural heritage renovation and urban regeneration projects. Do they embed New European Bauhaus values? 

12 - 13 November 2024
9:45am 3:00pm WET
Building the Future: Integrating NEB values and principles in Heritage Regeneration under THRIVE - an EUI Capacity Building Event in Ireland